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brown family

date.Ruth, 26 January 1772- 10 December 1808;

Owen, 16 February 1771- 8 May 1856;

Sally 1 Feb 1789- 11 Aug 1840


The death of Ruth Brown is literally the reason for this graveyard's location & existence.

A burial area had been plotted (somewhere in the vicinity of Lager & Vine) but the land had proven to be too low.


In 1808, Ruth Brown died in childbirth, leading her husband Owen to go in shock to his neighbor & friend, David Hudson for help with the burial.

Hudson, in turn, called upon Benjamin Whedon.

Whedon had talked about deeding over land for burial grounds & the original (front) area was thus secured.


The stone epitaph reads: "A Dutiful Child, A Sprightly Youth, A Loving Wife, A Tender Parent, A Kind Neighbor, And an exemplary Christian. Sweet is the Memory of the Just."



Ruth & Owen were the parents of a famous Hudsonite, John Brown.


The entire family had abolitionist leanings, however, with Owen helping to form the Free Congregational Church. Further he was a trustee of Oberlin College, a Justice of the Peace, a County Commissioner, and a trustee of Western Reserve College.


Owen was also an exemplary businessman, running both a store & a tannery.


His second wife, Ruth, is also buried here.

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