The Old Township Burial Ground contains many of Hudson's earliest families.
**At the gate of the cemetery, visitors will find a brochure with information provided by the Anna Lee Chapter of Questers, with credit also to the David Hudson chapter.**
The first burial, in December 1808, was Ruth Mills Brown, wife of Owen Brown and mother of abolitionist John Brown, who is buried in New York.
Since Ruth died in childbirth, it is assumed that her infant daughter is buried with her. The inscription on the stone contains a tribute that reads in part "a dutiful child, a sprightly youth, a loving wife, a tender parent, a kind neighbor, and an exemplary Christian."
Owen Brown (1881-1856) is buried between Ruth and his second wife, Sally, who died in 1840. Brown's third wife, Lucy Hinsdale Brown, is buried at Markillie Cemetery with her family members.
David Hudson, founder of the town, is buried at the cemetery with his two wives, first Anna Norton Hudson, mother of his nine children, and second wife Mary Hudson.
Of his children, especially noteworthy is Anner Maria Hudson Baldwin, who was the first white child born in what is now Hudson and Summit County. She died in 1892 and is one of the last to be buried in the cemetery.
Besides a 1921 inventory containing 185 identified names in the graveyard, an inventory, photos, and rubbings of the tombstones were made in the 1970's. Markers of men who served in the War of 1812 were added in 2012.
The land the burial ground is on came from property owned by David Hudson as well as a parcel from Benjamin Whedon. In fact, the land from David Hudson was part of his apple orchard and he retained lifetime rights to the apples.

Hudson Cemeteries
Trent Wash, Asst. Public Works Director
1140 Terex Road
Hudson, OH 44236
(330) 342-1750
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Cemeteries are open from Dawn until Dusk every day.
Rates (active cemeteries only)