amos lusk
date 3 March, 1773- 13 May 1813
Along the back fence, a small stone marks the grave of a well-respected Hudson citizen.
Captain Amos Lusk was born in New York, but was one of Hudson's pioneers. When the War of 1812 was starting, 78 men from Hudson and the area around joined what was called the Ohio Militia.
Captain Musk and Major George Darrow were in charge. According to reports from the time, the men drilled on the Green in preparation.
The militia was used for frontier protection and called into battles near Huron and to build forts, such as Fort Meigs. They protected both Meigs and Fort Stephenson.
Lusk died of typhus, then called "spotted fever," before the war was done.
His wife, Mary Adams Lusk, is also buried at Old Township (15 May 1768- 20 January, 1843)
Though her family was well-born, Mary had to hire out to do work for various families once widowed. One was caring for John Brown when he had a bachelor cabin with his adopted brother, Levi Blakeslee.
Her daughter, helping, met young Brown and became his wife.